If you are looking for the Higher Education Video Game Alliance, they are here.

I collect information about video games and their uses in higher education. Posts include reposts of conference calls for papers, articles about gaming found on the web, and the occasional review or musings on games and their potential uses in research and teaching.

To navigate the site use the category list on the right. Important dates are found in the calendar in the upper right.

DIGRA 2018 – July 25-28

DEADLINE for papers (finished) between Dec 1 and Jan 31 at easychair.org


Campus Luigi Einaudi, Università di Torino, Turin, Italy
Lungo Dora Siena, 100 A, 10153 Turin, Italy

Conference chairs: Riccardo Fassone and Matteo Bittanti

Games have long since moved out of the toy drawer, but our understanding of
them can still benefit from seeing them in a wider context of mediated
meaning-making. DiGRA 2018 follows Marshall McLuhan, and sees games as
extensions of ourselves. They recalibrate our senses and redefine our
social relationships. The environments they create are more conspicuous
than their content. They are revealing, both of our own desires and of the
society within which we live. Their message is their effect. Games change

To explore this change, we invite scholars, artists and industry to engage
in discussions over the following tracks:

– Platforms
Game platforms invite new textualities, new technologies and new networks
of power relations. Game structures, their integration with and use of the
technology, as well as the affordances and restrictions offered by the
platforms on which they live, influence our experience of them.

– Users
Games invite new relations between their users, and players strive for and
achieve new modes of perception. This reconfigures our attention, and
establishes new patterns and forms of engagement.

– Meaning-making
The connection between a game and its content is often interchangeable – a
game is clearly recognizable even if the surface fiction is changed. But
games still produce meanings and convey messages. We ask, what are the
modes of signification and the aesthetic devices used in games? In this
context we particularly invite authors to look at games that claim to be
about serious topics or deal with political and social issues.

– Meta-play
The playing of the game has become content, and we invite authors to
explore spectatorship, streaming, allied practices and hybrid media
surrounding play and the players. How can we describe and examine the
complex interweaving of practices found in these environments?

– Context
Games are subject to material, economic and cultural constraints. This
track invites reflection on how these contingencies as well as production
tools, industry and business demands and player interventions contribute to
the process of signification.

– Poetics
Games are created within constraints, affordances, rules and permissions
which give us a frame in which games generate meaning. Games have voice, a
language, and they do speak. This is the poetics of games, and we invite
our fellows to explore and uncover it.

– General
Games tend to break out of the formats given them, and so for this track we
invite the outstanding abstracts, papers and panels on alternative topics
to the pre-determined tracks.

Call for Papers – DiGRA Italia: Made in Italy – Roma, 15 December 2017 | DiGRA

Too late for a paper, but not to attend!
The main theme for this event is Made in Italy: we are going to investigate the production, consumption, history and criticism of video games in/about/around Italy. We are interested in contributions on:
– History and frontiers of video game development within the country
– Reception studies and subculture theories on the Italian video game scene
– Discourses surrounding video games on national mainstream media
– Representation of Italian history and culture within video games
– Players and audiences: fan cultures, YouTubers, mainstream and hardcore gaming
– Preservation of video game texts in Italy: museums, emulation, archives
Submission deadline: 6th October.


Source: Call for Papers – DiGRA Italia: Made in Italy – Roma, 15 December 2017 | DiGRA

Call for Participation – #2017DML

Digital Media and Learning Conference 2017 | October 4-6, 2017 | University of California, IrvineAccepting applications: Wednesday, March 15, 2017– Thursday, May 1, 2017Notifications of Acceptance: May 2017Join us October 4-6, 2017, for the 8th annual Digital Media and Learning Conference. This international gathering brings together a vibrant and diverse community of innovators, thinkers, and progressive educators to delve into leading-edge topics in digital media and learning. We build connections across research, design, and practice in the service of progressive, equitable, and youth-centered approaches to learning with technology.DML2017 will be held at the sunny University of California, Irvine campus and will feature an in-depth pre-conference workshop day, as well as two days of general sessions filled with opportunities to reimagine and remake learning in a connected world. We hope you can join us!

Source: Call for Participation – #2017DML

Resolve to Use Games in the Classroom in 2017 | VU BreakThru | Vanderbilt University

You’ve probably heard that inspirational quote about surrounding yourself with people who challenge you and make you better. What if we could extend that same notion to space? Is it possible for us to create spaces that engage our students and help them to understand new information? Panelists at the Immersive Environments Colloquium at held at Vanderbilt University on December 9th and 10th suggested that the answer is yes. During the conference, independent game designers, university faculty members, and software developers showed how their projects are transforming the way students read literature, learn about culture, and practice language skills.

Source: Resolve to Use Games in the Classroom in 2017 | VU BreakThru | Vanderbilt University

Call for Papers — Historia Ludens: A one-day conference on history and gaming | Digital Arts and Humanities Research Group

This conference follows up on the workshop “Playing with History” that has been held in November 2015 in Huddersfield. Gaming and History is gaining more and more traction, either as means to “gamify” history education or museum experiences, or as computer games as prism into history like the popular History Respawned podcast series (http://www.historyrespawned.com/).

See more: https://hudddighum.wordpress.com/2016/12/05/historia-ludens-a-one-day-conference-on-history-and-gaming/